DGA Security Blog
Our business security and fire systems experts answer the most frequently asked questions, no holds barred. Read on.
Michael Reynolds
October 24th, 2019
When it comes to access credentials, they don't have to be one-type-fits-all. The most common access credential types are access cards, key fobs, tags and mobile-based apps.
Jared Reeves
October 10th, 2019
Whether you currently subscribe to the DGAPass™ Managed Security service or are researching about physical access control systems in general, many security technology acronyms and terms can be a bit... inside baseball. Well, we're here to help! Here are the top 20 physical access control terms explained:
Access Control | Video Surveillance | Intrusion Alarms
Jared Reeves
June 29th, 2019
What were the top security tech trends at this year's ISC West? Read more to find out.
Daniel Torpey
June 28th, 2019
Switching to VoIP telephone lines could mean serious trouble for your fire alarm system. Here are the steps to avoid them.
Access Control | Video Surveillance | Fire Systems | Intrusion Alarms
Stanley Oppenheim
June 27th, 2019
24/7/365 customer care isn’t enough. Customers expect to control their business security and fire alarm systems with a finger tap or two.
Our business security and fire systems experts answer the most frequently asked questions - in plain English. No technical degree required.